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Raising Rights is a free legal advice platform, that provides single caretakers and children of divorce with simplified and personalized legal information and an online guide to other (non-) governmental offers relevant to their specific situation. Understanding the challenges faced by single caretakers and children of divorce or separation the startup wants to make sure that no one needs to encounter legal surprises on their journey and help find the easiest way to efficiently handle already sensitive situations.

How they work

The free online tool provides simplified legal information, personalized advice, and a comprehensive directory of relevant resources. Furthermore, the user-friendly website is designed for both parents and children, offering case studies, custody information, and support for ages 14 onwards. Currently, the focus is on family law matters and an implementation of the concept in Austria but are looking forward to provide our developed tool in other countries as well.

Get in touch

Are you interested in collaborating with Raising Rights or joining their team? Connect with the founders today!

Leonie Tatzberger (Co-founder)
Hannah Rosa Katharina (Co-founder)