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This marks a step forward in efficiently addressing legal issues within society. This innovative approach, based on a deep understanding of both the social and legal needs of individuals, has resulted in a 'living' map where a unique network of (social) legal aid providers convenes. Two years after its launch, we take stock.

The aim of the Sociaal Juridische Kaart? Simplifying and expediting access to legal aid, so citizens are assisted sooner and complex issues are prevented. Thanks to our network of social counselors, legal desks, law clinics, and other legal aid providers, finding the right assistance is much easier now. The map not only serves as a tool to improve access to justice but also contributes to community-based solutions.

From research to execution

In our research project Het Probleem van de Volle Boodschappentas we investigated how social legal aid deals with the abundance of legal issues people in the Netherlands face. Here, we specifically examined the role of technology and digital tools in facilitating solutions.

Based on this research, a prototyping phase and iterative development followed, where the software was gradually built and improved through repeated cycles of development, testing, and adjustments, culminating in the final testing phase of the product. The end result utilizes advanced technologies, such as Natural Language Processing (NLP), to identify the context of legal cases and evaluate their relevance. Continuous user feedback guides the development process, ensuring the solution fully aligns with the needs of users and legal aid providers.

How the map is used

The Sociaal Juridische Kaart brings together relevant legal aid providers in Amsterdam at a glance, enabling them to effectively assist vulnerable citizens with legal issues. This means that referrals can be made more easily when necessary, but also that citizens can directly see where they can turn for help in their neighborhood. With over 16.3K views and 113 affiliated legal partners, this initiative contributes to improving legal aid.


Want to learn more about the map? Get in touch with us!
Working at a legal aid organization looking to join the map?