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As many as one in five Amsterdammers struggle with debt. This group usually does not come into contact with legal advisers or lawyers, but knocks on the door of non-committal places like community centres or voluntary organisations.

For counsellors without a legal background, questions around debt issues are often difficult to answer. To support these informal caregivers, we are establishing a legal back office for informal caregivers: the Schuldenbrug.

Our information provision is being developed by UvA students and researchers and we are advised by Gemeente Amsterdam, HvA, Sociale maatschap and Regenbooggroep. The project starts on 1 September 2024. 


  • Contribute to addressing Amsterdam's debt problems by providing legal assistance to non-legal aid workers who have clients with (also) financial problems.
  • Increase knowledge on complex legal issues related to debt problems by conducting (practice-oriented) research.


  • Giving low-threshold legal advice to informal helpers.
  • Setting up and coordinating a network of informal organisations in Amsterdam in need of legal information.
  • Designing, coordinating and conducting academic research on complex legal issues surrounding debt.
  • Training a new generation of law students (WO and HBO) with a broad social perspective.

Impact numbers

We are currently in the preparatory phase.

  • Students
    A group of five law students are laying the groundwork for this law clinic.
    They are: Jessenia Acevedo Cruz, Sam de Valk, Farah Qureshi, Feline Thoenes and Fiore van der Linden.
  • Advisory Committee
    A committee advises on its establishment, consisting of: Nadja Jungmann (professor of Debt Problems, UvA), Anna Custers (HvA), Sjoerd Bakker (process director of debt assistance at Gemeente Amsterdam), Will van Schendel (director, De Sociale Maatschap).
  • Funds
    Amsterdams Universiteitsfonds has given a financial contribution to fund the preparatory phase.


For questions or interest, please contact Susan Leclercq or Tim Verheij.