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Creative concept around the inaugural lecture of Prof. Iris van Domselaar: 'Recht, ethiek en de schreeuw van Filoktetes' (Law, Ethics, and the Cry of Philoctetes).

Professor of Legal Philosophy and Professional Ethics, Iris van Domselaar, delivered her inaugural lecture on February 16, 2024. During this special appointment, she addressed the question 'What citizens are owed by lawyers in a social liberal legal order'. A topic we cannot ignore, especially in light of scandals like the Toeslagenaffaire.

The Amsterdam Law Hub was responsible for the creative concept surrounding this inaugural lecture because we believe in the power of art to make law understandable.


The goals of the concept were:

  • Enhancing audience engagement by incorporating creative interactive elements into the presentation of the inaugural lecture.
  • Providing a platform for (young) artists by involving them in the inaugural lecture.


  • Creating and preparing a performance during the inaugural lecture, in collaboration with Iris van Domselaar and the theater group Wunderbaum.  
  • Collaboration with Amsterdam-based illustrator/artist Emma Levie for the book cover, as well as other communication materials such as the presentation and a thank you note for all attendees.

Impact numbers

  • Visitors found the inaugural lecture highly interesting and appreciated the creative additions, which had not been implemented before and left a profound impression. The captivating content of the lecture naturally took precedence.


If you have any questions or interest, please contact Gabriela Petralia.