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An annual Legal Startup Event event featuring cutting-edge legal solutions by emerging talent in the Amsterdam Law Hub.
Kerngegevens van evenement Legal Startup Event 2024
6 juni 2024
15:00 -18:30

Have you ever found yourself frustrated while navigating a government website, or perhaps signed a contract without fully understanding its terms? Maybe you've lost sleep over a workplace conflict or a dispute with your landlord.

These are just a few examples of the legal societal problems many of us encounter in our daily lives in the Netherlands. At the Law Hub, we recognize that these challenges can seem daunting to resolve. However, we believe there are innovative solutions to improve access to justice for all. That's why we collaborate with students to develop groundbreaking solutions that address the most complex aspects of law.

What the event is about

Our annual Legal Startup Event serves as a platform for showcasing these student-led innovations to the public, investors, and representatives of the Dutch government. Each year, we invite the top ten teams to pitch their solutions to a jury for the opportunity to bring their ideas to life through our incubator program. This year, the jury consist of: Farshida Zafar (Erasmus Entrepreneurship Centre), Pablo van Klinken (Stichting Allemansrecht) and Jan Dijk (Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid, UvA).

Our mission is to empower young entrepreneurs to directly contribute to improving access to justice for Dutch citizens. This year, we're excited to announce a new addition: the top three pitches from the Legal Startup Event will advance to pitch to a broader audience during our Legal Geek event in September. 


15:00 Opening by Law Hub team & introduction jury
15:15 Pitches part 1 and live Q&A
16:00 Break
16:10 Panel on innovation & creativity in the legal sector 
16:40 Pitches part 2 and live Q&A 
Jury deliberation & audience voting
18:00 Award Ceremony & drinks

Join us!

We welcome anyone with a passion for justice innovation to join us. Register for free to explore our initiatives, connect directly with innovative entrepreneurs for potential collaboration, and draw inspiration from our themes. Your insights could even shape the future of legal innovation for the next generation of students!

Sign up here
Nog 16 dagen!
Amsterdam Law Hub

Nieuwe Achtergracht 164
1018WV Amsterdam