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Ahoy there, entrepreneurs in and around Amsterdam! Set your compass for the horizon of legal enlightenment because on November 1st we're unleashing our yearly Incuboater event where we'll provide free legal advice!
Event details of Incuboater: free legal advice by boat!
1 November 2023
11:00 -17:30

Like each year, we're organizing this floating legal clinic together with Startup & Stichting Rechtswinkel and some of the best law firms of the Netherlands.

With the winds of fate as our guide, we'll match your legal riddles to the perfect legal minds aboard. Your shipmates? None other than seasoned lawyers equipped with the finest legal treasures. Based on your legal question, you will be matched to a lawyer and a relevant time slot. This programme looks as follows:


11h00 – 12h30 – Legal advice (one-on-one), round 1

13h00 – 14h30 – Lunch & legal advice (one-on-one), round 2

15h00 - 16h30 – Legal advice (one-on-one), round 3

16h30 - Drinks & Networking
@ Amsterdam Law Hub

For each time slot, we will gather at the Amsterdam Law Hub, then walk together to the boat.

Sign up now!

Are you an entrepreneur or working at a startup making social impact? And are you running into legal questions? Then register now and we might see you on board November the 1st! Unfortunately, due to limited capacity, we cannot handle every application immediately. The sooner you respond, the better your chances of getting a spot! 

The Incuboater is funded by IXA and UvA Ventures Holdings.